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Construction of Windsor Senior Living Facility


MJR provided construction and building engineering services for several phases of the project. MJR was the General Contractor for the entire renovation of the Windsor Senior Living Facility. The original building was full service Sheraton hotel with 500 rooms and associated facilities. MJR took this enormous task of converting all rooms to serve the needs for a senior living facility. Currently this facility is a home to Independent, Assisted, and Memory Care Residents. More Specifically MJR and its personnel conducted the following special tasks at this facility:

Performed construction activities as per approved plan by the City of Dallas and the Texas Department of Aging and Disabilities Services (DADS). This project involved a complete remodeling of each room so that it complies with necessary codes as administered by DADS and the City of Dallas. MJR had to ensure all basics of Life Safety Codes (LSC) such as fire alarms (Class-A), large facility sprinkler systems, fire escape & life safety plan and fire resistive assemblies for assisted living. In addition, we had to ensure all door & corridor’s rating/size/width, Alzheimer’s rules and locked doors for long term care facilities are in compliance with the requirement for such use. In addition to construction services, we also provided the following infrastructure related services to the facility:

  1. Fire Alarms update
  2. Fire Resistive Assemblies
  3. Update Door and Corridors so that they comply with ratings
  4. Alzheimer’s rules and locked doors for long term care facilities.
  5. Prepared ALF emergency preparedness plans to include emergency preparedness training, planning and assessment.
  6. Conducted annual quality of Care Surveys and follow up inquires and consultations.
  7. Worked on adequate and uniform lighting measurement during the day such as 1) 10 foot candles in resident room; 2) 20 foot candles in staff stations, corridors, dining rooms, lobbies, toilets, bathing facilities, laundries, stairways and elevators; 3) 50 foot candles in staff station desks at 30 inches above finished floor (AFF); and also wall paint with two coats of fire retardant light color.
  8. Provided telecommunications, internet & Wi-Fi, IP security camera systems, gate & access controls, DirecTV satellite systems and emergency power backup systems.